With the advancements in KNX system security, Weinzierl have once again expanded their KNX Secure portfolio which now includes compact 1-module switching and dimming actuators along with Modbus TCP Gateway with 250 freely configurable data points. All boasting a compact 1-module unit size they provide space efficient panel builds. For more information read our latest blog. For full details see below.
KNX IO 510.1 secure (2O)
The KNX IO 510.1 secure (2O) is a compact switching actuator with 2 bi-stable relay outputs. The actuator provides the function for universal outputs including scene control, timer, staircase lightning and to control heating valves (PWM for thermoelectric valve drives).
Two push buttons and three LEDs allow a local operation and a visualization of the device state. In addition to the output channels the device includes 16 independent functions for logic or timer control. The device supports KNX Data Security but may also be used without.
Product link: Click Here

KNX IO 511.1 secure (1O2I)
The KNX IO 511.1 secure (1O2I) is a compact switching actuator with 1 bi-stable output and 2 binary inputs. The actuator provides the function for universal outputs including scene control, timer, staircase lighting and heating valves (PWM for thermoelectric valve drives).
The inputs can be connected to conventional switches with an external voltage of 12 to 230 V. In ex-factory settings the inputs are connected internally to the actuator. The actuator combined with input B1 serves as a latching relay. Input B2 is used for zero crossing detection.
Two push buttons and three LEDs allow a local operation and a visualization of the device state. In addition to the output and input channels the device includes 16 independent functions for logic or timer control. The device supports KNX Data Security.
Product link: Click Here

KNX IO 546.1 secure (1D1O)
The KNX IO 546.1 secure (1D1O) is a compact combined dimming/switching actuator with 1 dimming output for active electronic ballasts with a 0/1-10V interface and 1 bi-stable relay output. The dimming actuator can be used for several active electronic ballasts e.g. for LED panels or stripes. Every configuration allows controlling the channel by switching, rel. dimming and dimming value. Several comfort functions are integrated as well, including scenes, slumber fading, staircase light and sequencer. The device optionally supports KNX Security.
The switching actuator provides the function for universal outputs including scene control, timer, staircase lighting and heating valves (PWM for thermoelectric valve drives). Two push buttons and three LEDs allow a local operation and a visualization of the device state. In addition to the output channels the device includes 16 independent functions for logic or timer control.
Product link: Click Here

KNX Modbus TCP Gateway 716
The KNX Modbus TCP Gateway 716 is a compact Gateway between KNX TP and Modbus TCP with 250 freely configurable data points.
The device enables easy integration of Modbus devices that support the TCP protocol via IP and can act as a Modbus master or slave. As Master the device can address up to 5 slave devices. Two buttons and three LEDs allow local operation and visualization of the device status.
Furthermore, the device can be used as a programming interface to connect one or more PCs to the KNX bus (e.g. for ETS®). The Power is supplied via the KNX bus. The KNX Modbus TCP Gateway supports KNX Security.
Product link: Click Here

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