We are excited to announce two new additions to Zennio’s HeatingBOX family which now includes 2-channel and 6-channel variants further expanding the control flexibility which can be achieved in a KNX installation.
Furthermore, with updates to their existing 4-channel and 8-channel variants, the new collective V2 range of HeatingBox devices has simplified the wiring to provide a common 230v input supply for all outputs to save on installation time. Additional features include analog-digital input for further flexibility sensor, binary switch and temperature probe integration for precise and personalised control, an independent thermostat, 10 logical functions along with TRIAC operation to ensure durability and noise-free operation. For full range breakdown see below.
HeatingBOX 230V 2X v2
Key features:
- 2 outputs for controlling 230VAC heating valves.
- Single power input for all outputs to simplify installation.
- 2 analog-digital inputs.
- 2 thermostats.
- 10 logical functions.
- 2 Module width
Product Link: Click Here

HeatingBOX 230V 4X v2
Key features:
- 4 outputs for controlling 230VAC heating valves.
- Single power input for all outputs to simplify installation.
- 4 analog-digital inputs.
- 4 thermostats.
- 10 logical functions.
- 2 Module width
Product Link: Click Here

HeatingBOX 230V 6X v2
Key features:
- 6 outputs for controlling 230VAC heating valves.
- Single power input for all outputs to simplify installation.
- 6 analog-digital inputs.
- 6 thermostats.
- 10 logical functions.
- 4 Module width
Product Link: Click Here

HeatingBOX 230V 8X v2
Key features:
- 8 outputs for controlling 230VAC heating valves.
- Single power input for all outputs to simplify installation.
- 8 analog-digital inputs.
- 8 thermostats.
- 10 logical functions.
- 4 Module width
Product Link: Click Here

For more information contact a member of the My KNX Store team.
T: 0191 497 0777
E: knx@myknxstore.co.uk