We are excited to announce the upcoming launch of ISE’s KNX RF Multi radiator thermostat which will be available at My KNX Store in Q1 2024. A world's first!
The integration of HVAC applications within control projects are a vital element to maximise end-user comfort and energy efficiency. However, due to the additional wiring infrastructure required it can, at times, be difficult to implement within a system, especially for retro-fit or upgrade requirements.
The compact KNX RF TRV Value completely removes those restrictions making HVAC application much easier to deploy. See details below for more information, along with further details on ISE’s recently released KNX RF Multi/TP media coupler or RF repeater.
ise KNX RF Multi radiator thermostat
The ise KNX RF Multi radiator thermostat opens up the possibility of retrofitting KNX heating control to existing systems where cabling is not possible with the use of the KNX RF Multi Standard. In combination with the KNX RF Multi Media coupler you can combine both Wired KNX TP thermostats and sensors to the KNX RF Multi radiator thermostat to create a comfortable and efficient living environment.
Key features:
- Manual operation or in KNX RF S mode
- Internal temperature sensor or measured values via group object
- Boost function
- Battery status detection
- Four operating modes (comfort, standby, night mode, frost protection)
- Operating modes (summer/winter)
- Output of error messages (e.g. valve jammed)
- Configurable forced setting
- Setpoint value display on device
- Service mode available
- Scenes can be configured individually
- Master/slave dependencies enable grouping of several thermostats
- Output of “in operation” (Heartbeat) group object
- Automatic valve rinsing to prevent calcification
- Configurable setpoint values for each mode and heating program
- Full support of KNX Secure
- Support of long frames
- Can be updated via KNX RF
Product Link: Click Here
(Expected launch date: Q1 2024)

ise KNX RF Multi/TP media coupler or RF repeater
The media coupler enables both the expansion of existing systems and targeted operation in new buildings. Whether KNX RF Ready or KNX RF Multi, with or without KNX Secure, the media coupler brings everything together – after all, thanks to our patented SMART WHISPER process, only one device is required!
Key features:
- Segment coupler enables the integration of segments from ETS6
- Security Proxy connects KNX devices with and without Secure in one installation
- Ready to Slow Proxy connects KNX RF Ready with KNX RF Multi
- Area and line coupler
- Repeater (Multi or Ready) for radio range expansion
- Filtering/blocking of group addresses supported
- LED with wide range of functions facilitates installation and diagnostics
- Support of unicast, multicast & broadcast
- Complete group address range is covered
- Support of long frames
- KNX Secure ensures optimal security
- Existing installations can also be expanded downward
- Interlocked fast/slow communication in one single device
- Can be updated via KNX TP and KNX RF and thus always remains up to date without great effort
Product Link: Click Here